Payment Terms and Conditions
Cancellation By You:
The lead name on the booking must give notice to cancel the tour in writing or mail at our office and we shall refund the tour cost after deduction cancellation charges as under.
In order to cover our expected loss from the cancellation of the booking there is set scale of charges which must be paid by you or any one traveling with you;
Changes Made By Us Before Travel:
We reserve the rights to do any change in your Tour program due to unexpected conditions. If you do not want to accept a significant change, which we will tell you about before you depart, we will (if we are able to do so) offer you an alternative tour of equivalent or closely similar standard and price at no extra cost, or a less expensive tour, in which case we will refund the difference in price. If you do not wish to take the alternative we offer you, you can choose a different tour offered for sale by us and pay, or receive a refund of, any price difference. Or, if you prefer, you can cancel your tour and receive a full refund of deposits, which you have paid to us, except for any amendment charges of Rs 1500.00.
Unless the change is as a result of circumstances such as fighting, disturbance, terrorist movement, natural tragedy, fire, bad weather conditions, we will pay you compensation as;
Circumstances Beyond Our Control:
We cannot pay any compensation, reimburse expenses, or cover losses for any amount or otherwise accept responsibility, if as a result of circumstances beyond our control, we have to change your tour after booking, or we, cannot supply your tour, as we had agreed, or you suffer any loss or damage of any description. When we refer to circumstances beyond our control, we mean any event that we could not foresee or avoid, even after taking all reasonable care. Such circumstances will usually include, but are not limited to, war, threat of war, airport closures, epidemic, natural or nuclear disaster, terrorist activity, civil unrest, industrial dispute, bad weather.
Your Responsibility:
We want all our customers to have an enjoyable, carefree holiday. But you must remember that you are responsible for your actions and the effect they may have on others. If we, or another person in authority, believe your actions could upset, annoy or disturb other customers or our own staff, or put them in any risk or danger, or damage property or you are unfit to travel, we may end your tour and terminate your contract. You and your travelling party will be prevented from using your booked accommodation, transport, and any other Travel Arrangements forming part of your booking and we will not be liable for any refund, compensation or any other costs you have to pay. Alternatively at our discretion, you may be permitted to continue with your tour but may have additional terms of carriage imposed upon you.
In addition to the above and the effect your actions may have on others, you must particularly also bear in mind that you are responsible for your safety, and that you are responsible for the condition of the property you occupy. We are not responsible for any accidents which occur in or around irresponsible behavior or for any accidents which occur anywhere on properties because of glass, china or the like which you have broken and/or have left in a way in which injury can result.
We expect that you will enjoy your holiday with us. We appreciate that you may well drink alcohol as part of your enjoyment. You must, however, do so responsibly and we will have no liability to you for any injury, loss or damage you suffer as a result of your judgment being impaired wholly or partly by alcohol.
We will hold you and the members of your travelling party jointly and individually liable for any damage to the accommodation, furniture, apparatus or other materials located within the accommodation, together with any legal costs we incur in pursuing a claim. It is your duty to report any breakages, defects or damage to an appropriate person immediately.
If your behavior or the behavior of any members of your travelling party causes any diverted we and/or the carrier will hold you and those members jointly and individually liable for all costs incurred as a result of that diversion. We cannot accept liability for the behavior of others in your accommodation, or for any facilities/services withdrawn as a result of their action.
If You Have A Complaint:
We aim to provide the best tour possible. However, if you are not satisfied please complain as soon as possible to the relevant person (for example, the accommodation management or transport supplier). If they cannot help, you must tell your tour Representative and we will do everything reasonably possible to sort the problem out. If you are still not satisfied, If you do not have the services of a Representative, you must contact us at the given Email ID or Phone Number. No complaints or refund requests for the same be entertained after the tour ends.
Assumption of Risk: I have voluntarily applied to participate in the tour on which I have registered. I am voluntarily participating in this adventure eco tour with the knowledge of the risks and dangers involved, which include but are not limited to: dangers and risks inherent in adventure activities as trekking, bicycling, kayaking, river crossing; negligence in any manner on the part of EcoNomads India; emotional trauma; disfigurement; temporary or permanent disability, including paralysis; death; acts of God; the hazards of traveling in remote, unsafe or politically unstable areas or under unsafe conditions; the dangers of civil disturbances and war; forces of nature; transportation failures; equipment failures; accident or illness in remote places without access to medical facilities, transportation, or means of evacuation and assistance; unexpected events; terrorist activities, social or labor unrest; mechanical or construction failures or difficulties; diseases; local laws; climatic conditions; abnormal conditions or developments; or any other actions, omissions, or conditions outside of EcoNomads Indias’ control.
I acknowledge that tours entail known and unanticipated risks which could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to myself, to property, or to third parties. I understand that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity. The risks include, among other things: exposure to the natural elements can be uncomfortable and/or harmful; I am aware that this exposure could cause sunburn, dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and heat cramps; also prolonged exposure to cold can result in hypothermia, frostnip or frostbite, which can even turn fatal; exposure to potentially dangerous wildlife, insects, plants, falling rocks, landslides, accidental drowning, accidental slips and falls on snow, ice and mountainous sections is also a possibility. I also know that there is a risk of equipment malfunction or injury due to third parties. Furthermore, I understand EcoNomads India employees are qualified, but have difficult jobs to perform. They seek safety, but they are not infallible. No one can predict the weather, the elements, the terrain or altitude sickness with 100% accuracy. I am cognizant of the basic safety rules and instructions concerning these tours and related activities. I also understand that it is not the purpose of EcoNomads India to teach safety rules. I also understand that I am responsible for the safety and good operating condition of any equipment while I use such equipment.
Preparation: I assume full and complete responsibility for physically preparing for the tour.
Representation of good health: I certify that I am in good health, have no medical, mental, physical conditions that affect my ability to travel and/or participate in the tour and have not been advised otherwise by a medical practitioner. I acknowledge that EcoNomads India is in no way responsible for any costs related to my medical care during or after the tour.
Release of Liability: As lawful consideration of, and as part of the payment for, the right to participate in the tour, and as part of the payment for the services arranged for me by EcoNomads India, I HEREBY EXPRESSLY AGREE TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MY OWN WELFARE AND ASSUME ALL OF THE ABOVE RISKS, INCLUDING BOTH THOSE KNOWN AND UNKNOWN TO ME.
As lawful consideration of, and as part of the payment for, the right to participate in the tour, and as part of the payment for the services arranged for me by EcoNomads India, I HEREBY EXPRESSLY AGREE TO RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND HOLD HARMLESS FOREVER EcoNomads India, their owners, employees, affiliated entities, employees, agents, representatives, officers, directors, associates, volunteers, successors and assigns from and against any liability, actions, causes of actions, debts, suits, claims and demands of any and every kind and nature whatsoever which I now have or which may hereafter arise out of or in connection with my tour with EcoNomads India.
I AGREE THAT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL SERVE AS A COMPLETE RELEASE AND EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK for myself, all members of my family and all minors traveling with me, my and their heirs, successors, assigns, and legal representatives. It is my intention to fully assume all risks associated with this tour and to release EcoNomads India from any and all liability to the maximum extent permitted by law.
Indemnification: I further agree to “indemnify” (meaning to defend and to pay or reimburse) EcoNomads India against any claim by any person, including minors, arising in whole or in part from an injury or other loss suffered or caused by me in connection with the tour or my participation in the tour.
Knowing and Voluntary Execution: I have carefully read and understand the provisions and legal consequences of this agreement, and I hereby agree to all of its conditions. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
I understand that in calculating the cost of the tour, EcoNomads India has relied on my consent to these terms and their enforceability. Without this agreement, EcoNomads India would not be able to offer these services. I agree that execution of a electronic transmission of this agreement shall be deemed execution of the original agreement.
I agree that electronic transmission of an executed copy of this agreement shall constitute acceptance of this agreement.
Assumption of Risk: I have voluntarily applied to participate in the tour on which I have registered. I am voluntarily participating in this adventure eco tour with the knowledge of the risks and dangers involved, which include but are not limited to: dangers and risks inherent in adventure activities as trekking, bicycling, kayaking, river crossing; negligence in any manner on the part of EcoNomads India; emotional trauma; disfigurement; temporary or permanent disability, including paralysis; death; acts of God; the hazards of traveling in remote, unsafe or politically unstable areas or under unsafe conditions; the dangers of civil disturbances and war; forces of nature; transportation failures; equipment failures; accident or illness in remote places without access to medical facilities, transportation, or means of evacuation and assistance; unexpected events; terrorist activities, social or labor unrest; mechanical or construction failures or difficulties; diseases; local laws; climatic conditions; abnormal conditions or developments; or any other actions, omissions, or conditions outside of EcoNomads Indias’ control.
I acknowledge that tours entail known and unanticipated risks which could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to myself, to property, or to third parties. I understand that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity. The risks include, among other things: exposure to the natural elements can be uncomfortable and/or harmful; I am aware that this exposure could cause sunburn, dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and heat cramps; also prolonged exposure to cold can result in hypothermia, frostnip or frostbite, which can even turn fatal; exposure to potentially dangerous wildlife, insects, plants, falling rocks, landslides, accidental drowning, accidental slips and falls on snow, ice and mountainous sections is also a possibility. I also know that there is a risk of equipment malfunction or injury due to third parties. Furthermore, I understand EcoNomads India employees are qualified, but have difficult jobs to perform. They seek safety, but they are not infallible. No one can predict the weather, the elements, the terrain or altitude sickness with 100% accuracy. I am cognizant of the basic safety rules and instructions concerning these tours and related activities. I also understand that it is not the purpose of EcoNomads India to teach safety rules. I also understand that I am responsible for the safety and good operating condition of any equipment while I use such equipment.
Preparation: I assume full and complete responsibility for physically preparing for the tour.
Representation of good health: I certify that I am in good health, have no medical, mental, physical conditions that affect my ability to travel and/or participate in the tour and have not been advised otherwise by a medical practitioner. I acknowledge that EcoNomads India is in no way responsible for any costs related to my medical care during or after the tour.
Release of Liability: As lawful consideration of, and as part of the payment for, the right to participate in the tour, and as part of the payment for the services arranged for me by EcoNomads India, I HEREBY EXPRESSLY AGREE TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MY OWN WELFARE AND ASSUME ALL OF THE ABOVE RISKS, INCLUDING BOTH THOSE KNOWN AND UNKNOWN TO ME.
As lawful consideration of, and as part of the payment for, the right to participate in the tour, and as part of the payment for the services arranged for me by EcoNomads India, I HEREBY EXPRESSLY AGREE TO RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND HOLD HARMLESS FOREVER EcoNomads India, their owners, employees, affiliated entities, employees, agents, representatives, officers, directors, associates, volunteers, successors and assigns from and against any liability, actions, causes of actions, debts, suits, claims and demands of any and every kind and nature whatsoever which I now have or which may hereafter arise out of or in connection with my tour with EcoNomads India.
I AGREE THAT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL SERVE AS A COMPLETE RELEASE AND EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK for myself, all members of my family and all minors traveling with me, my and their heirs, successors, assigns, and legal representatives. It is my intention to fully assume all risks associated with this tour and to release EcoNomads India from any and all liability to the maximum extent permitted by law.
Indemnification: I further agree to “indemnify” (meaning to defend and to pay or reimburse) EcoNomads India against any claim by any person, including minors, arising in whole or in part from an injury or other loss suffered or caused by me in connection with the tour or my participation in the tour.
Knowing and Voluntary Execution: I have carefully read and understand the provisions and legal consequences of this agreement, and I hereby agree to all of its conditions. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
I understand that in calculating the cost of the tour, EcoNomads India has relied on my consent to these terms and their enforceability. Without this agreement, EcoNomads India would not be able to offer these services. I agree that execution of a electronic transmission of this agreement shall be deemed execution of the original agreement.
I agree that electronic transmission of an executed copy of this agreement shall constitute acceptance of this agreement.